Something I regret

Ok it is time to be honest. I want to confess some of my mistakes. Probably the biggest one I have is I learnt Morse Code!

Why you may ask?

Well it is pretty simple, I have discovered the universe is against me. Last night the rain on the roof was telling me to ‘I wish you would die a slow death’.

Feel free to share your biggest regret as well.


FATz now available on Ebay Australia with a bonus

All us aussie’s now have way of buying FATz posted from Australia (thanks to Ebay). The added benefit is each book purchased locally can now have a personalised signed message, plus a gift inside the cover.  The surprise is you don’t know what it is until you open the book. It could be a picture of me in all my glory… it could be the secret recipe to my world famous butter chicken… it could be my bank details… no matter what it is you will be the winner! Except if you get my bank details… thats worthless much like my life savings.

So go on, get on the ol inter webs, put yourself on the line and buy buy buy right here.

All the other methods of purchasing FATz can sell be found here


Joke of the day

A Russian couple walks down a street in Moscow when the man feels a drop hit his nose.
“I think it’s raining,” he says to his wife.
“No, that feels like snow to me, dear,” she replies.
Just then, a minor communist party official walks towards them.
“Let’s not fight about it,” the man says. “Let’s ask Comrade Rudolph whether it’s officially raining or snowing.”
“It’s raining, of course” Comrade Rudolph says and walks on.
But the woman insists, “I know that felt like snow.”
To which the man quietly says, “Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear.”
